For more productivity, reliability control and employee satisfaction.

About SEAK®

SEAK® assists businesses in a distinctive approach to increase productivity and sustain profitability. The use of mobile solutions has increased involvement among employees. Through single sign-on, the Beekeeper connection offers easy access to the SEAK® TEAMS apps.

About SEAK® Integration

SEAK® TEAMS is the platform-independent mobile world of SEAK®. It enables working on mobile devices as well as on stationary PCs and laptops. With access via Beekeeper, employees and teams can plan their holidays as a team, find out about their work schedules, time accounts and pay slips, request time corrections, and much more.

Mobile time recording

With mobile time recording, working times can also be recorded where no appropriate terminals are available, such as in the home office or for drivers. Mobile time corrections With mobile time corrections, corrections can be requested and approved via digital workflow. Instead of handwritten slips of paper or forms, correction requests are digitally recorded directly by employees or their team leaders, thus massively reducing the workload of the HR department. Mobile holiday planning Mobile holiday planning provides team members with a central platform for holiday planning. Holiday requests can be pre-planned visibly for all colleagues. Time overlaps and coordination requirements become transparent in this way.

Mobile absence requests

With the mobile absence requests, holidays, time off requests and other absences are recorded digitally by employees or their team leaders. Employees can track the processing status of their applications as soon as they submit them. The special feature of sickness notifications is that the supervisors involved are automatically informed by e-mail and the HR department is supported by a completely automated query of the medical certificate and transfer of the confirmation to the payroll accounting system. The HR department can also track the applications currently in progress.

Mobile time and payroll slips

With mobile payroll receipts, employees receive their receipts without any detours. The receipts can be viewed, retrieved and, if necessary, printed regardless of location and time. This saves time, printing and postage costs at the head office.

Mobile deployment planning

With mobile shift planning, current shift plans can be jointly viewed, discussed and, if necessary, immediately adjusted on the basis of the headquarters' specifications. An interactive planning and substitute search function supports the planners so that they can react quickly to spontaneous changes in plans.

Mobile duty roster

The mobile duty roster provides employees with all important information about their planned assignments, days off, other absences and the team members with whom they will be working.

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